It’s been a wonderful opportunity to invest time and energy into a project which ultimately helps me do my job better. Though I am not currently a classroom teacher and do not have typical instructional responsibilities in my day to day work, I do constantly convey important information about the WA State teacher certification process to prospective educators, a process which can often feel overwhelming and convoluted to many would-be career changers. I feel confident that I’ve put together a blueprint for a meaningful, engaging informational session which will help students navigate the first steps of the certification process with confidence and clarity, ultimately helping them discern for themselves if becoming a teacher is the right step for them professionally at this time, and if so, how to make that a reality. Not only that, I’ve been able to think creatively about how to leverage digital tools to make the session interactive, student-centered, and practically useful to those who attend.
Lesson Plan for 60 Minute Information Session
This lesson plan is intended for a Group of 10-20 prospective graduate students using a virtual teleconference platform like Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, etc.
Note: some hyperlinks may not be accessible to all due to permissions settings
Introduction 10 min. | Students will be notified of my intention to record the session and their associated rights (turning off video, etc.). Introduce Self and Learning Objectives of Info Session: Objective 1: learn how someone becomes a teacher in WA State and determine personal readiness to begin the process. Objective 2: learn what program options are available at SPU and which program is best-fit for personal context Objective 3: learn what steps to take next with an application to a teacher certification program 10 Signs That You Should Become a Teacher, opening reflection video |
Interactive Presentation 20 min. | Google Slide Deck Students will be provided with access to the Google Slide Deck in advance of the information session so that they may conduct research ahead of time or follow along independently, clicking on hyperlinks, etc. in their own browser window. I will also use it to structure the presentation of information in the session. For those who do not choose to follow along independently, hyperlinks for interactive elements will be provided directly in the session chat. Within the slide deck, students will be introduced to SPU’s various graduate teacher certification program options.Students will be given the opportunity to stop and reflect on what feels like their best-fit program halfway through, before new information about the application process is introduced. They will also be given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions at this point via Jamboard. Students will then be given detailed information about application requirements and due dates, including specific information about the endorsement verification process. This is also a time where I intend to help students understand and navigate the various information systems which they will have to engage with throughout the certification and application process (online application, standardized tests, etc), and to what extent they’ll be expected to provide personal data in digital spaces. |
Formative Assessment 10 min. | Prospective students will then have the opportunity to review and test their understanding of the material via a brief, 15-question Kahoot Quiz. This will also serve as a formative assessment tool for me, the instructor, and may help point out areas that need further clarification. There will be time to pause and address these areas while going through the Kahoot Quiz. |
Performance Task 10 min. | Students will then have the opportunity to curate a personal To Do List outlining their next steps towards an application (and thus, towards becoming a teacher). This is a performance task that helps students indicate their understanding of the material covered in the information session, but it is also meant to be a practical, relevant takeaway for each attendee. Students will be able to make a copy of this Google Doc Template which contains a scaffolded “word bank” of application requirements. Students will be able to copy/paste from the word bank in order to create their own, personalized To Do List, paying special attention to their specific program needs, endorsement requirements, and chronological order (i.e. which items need attention first). I will also provide the Google Doc Template in an alternate format (i.e. Word document) for any students that need it after the session. |
Self-Assessment & Reflection 10+ min. | Shortly after providing students with the Google Doc Link, I will provide a link to the final Sticky Note Q & A w/ Jamboard so that students may ask any needed questions while they construct without interrupting the thought processes of others in the session. They may also choose to drop questions privately to me in the chat depending on the immediacy of the need and/or group appeal of their question. After the allotted 10 minutes passes for list construction, I’ll also offer a final few minutes for students to review their lists and ask final questions that need resolving on the Jamboard, OR live in the video conference, time permitting. The session will be recorded and the recording will be provided to students after the information session via email. This allows students to go back and review as needed. |
Throughout this session, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding through application and self-knowledge.
- Application: as students create their own, personally curated “To Do List” they will be able to apply their understanding of the session material by creating a useful tool that will guide them moving forward. This includes discerning which information is most relevant to their particular context. Students will be able to effectively navigate the various information systems which they will have to engage with throughout the certification and application process, especially in regards to the information they provide during the application process. This also brings to mind the fact that students will literally apply to a program as part of their next steps towards becoming a teacher.
- Self-Knowledge: students will be invited to reflect on their motivations to become a teacher, whether now is the time to take steps towards becoming a teacher, as well as what kind of program would be best suited for their needs. There will also be ample time for students to grapple with what they do not know, or what is confusing for them in this process. The decisions they make moving forward will be rooted in the self-knowledge acquired from this session.
I do believe that the most helpful reflections on this “lesson plan” will come after I’ve had the opportunity to put it into action for the first time in a professional setting, likely in Fall of 2021. That said, One area for potential improvement that I can already identify is the curated “To Do List” platform. Though I found some potential tools that I was interested in which might be a bit sleeker/less cumbersome than using a Google Doc, the ones I came across were not open access or would require a full account set-up in order to use them. This wouldn’t translate well to the timing and context of this particular lesson, nor the student audience (i.e. prospective students attending an information session, not students enrolled in a class). Thus, for now, I have the Google Doc format as a bit of a place-holder. I’m quite open to tweaking this section of my lesson in favor of a better tool later on.
In summary, this particular project was a wonderful exercise in thinking about learning and instruction on a macro level and the many ways they take place outside of a formal classroom environment. Digital tools may be leveraged in a myriad of ways to help us do our jobs better, and this was an opportunity for me to think creatively about how to bring that home in my own context. I look forward to using this session format in the next recruiting cycle!